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Purchasing (back office)

Farmusol can also offer additional back office services to assist your invoice administration and financial business. Depending on your wishes and recommendations, we can deliver all documents and pre-financial activities for your purchasing business.

In discussion with you as our costumer, we can make one-detail invoice for example one month from all your suppliers, related to every business unit of your company. It will save you a lot of paperwork and communication with your suppliers. We guarantee you our 24/7 servicefor these issues.

Some examples of additional back office service availabe are:

  • Pre-financing activities;
  • Customs handling;
  • Consignment contracts;
  • Fiscal representation;
  • Order management;
  • Sales invoicing;
  • Applying for credit insurance on sales invoices

Of course Farmusol can offer you much more than only purchase. Through our partnership approach, we can provide services for IT and financial business, assist you in building up your core business and offer a level of service to help you stay ahead of your comeptitors.

We would like to provide you the best possible service by offering a complete range of our solutions to satisfy your needs.